Fund for International Studies
Submit your application for a scholarship!
First name *
Last name *
Phone number *
Email address *
Home address *
In what year did you (or do you plan to) obtain your master’s degree at FBE? *
Which master’s programme are you studying (or did you study) at FBE? *
TEW: Bedrijfskunde
TEW: Economisch beleid
Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica
Sociaal-economische wetenschappen
Business Economics
Economic Policy
Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
Business Engineering: Financial Engineering
At which higher education institution(s) would you like to continue your studies abroad? *
Which international programme(s) are you applying for? *
In which country/countries? *
Please provide more financial information
a. About the cost of the programme, tuition fee, study materials, transport, accommodation,… *
b. About your income, financial contributions from parents, savings,… *
c. the desired scholarship/amount you wish to receive from the Fund for International Studies,… *
Upload your motivation letter (1-2 A4 pages) *
Upload your curriculum vitae *
Upload your study results based on SisA (or give us permission to have us request these)
Upload extra information about your desired study programme
Do you have any other remarks or extra information we need to be aware of?
The Alumni Office of the Faculty of Business and Economics (
) is collecting these personal data for the Fund for International Studies. Under no circumstances will your contact details be passed on to third parties. This data will be stored until the board of admission has processed all applications. If you would like to view, limit, change or remove your personal data, please send an email to the address above. More information about our privacy policy: