
Sustainability Research Award Rudi Verheyen – Application Form

1. Identification of the candidate

1.1 Contact information
1.2 Doctorate (PhD) if applicable

2. Scientific research

3. Scientific quality and added value of the research

(description, peer review, publications, patents, international dissemination, ...) *

4. Change agents and innovative character of the research

(description, peer review, publications, patents, international dissemination, ...) *

5. Policy relevance and impact of the research for Flanders

(description, publications, policy documents...)

5.1 Descripion of the policy relevance and impact for Flanders *
5.2. References proving policy relevance and impact for Flanders (publications, policy documents, articles,…) *
(please also indicate the weblink where the material can be consulted)

6. Involvement of societal actors

(description, publications,..) *

7. Topicality of the scientific research

(description, publications,..) *

8. Relation of the research to sustainable development

(description, publications,..) *

9. Interdisciplinarity of the research

(description, publications,..) *

10. Intended application of the prize money when granted



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Postal Address:
Universiteit Antwerpen
Instituut voor Milieu & Duurzame Ontwikkeling
Ter attentie van de voorzitter
Campus Groenenborger/U.501
Groenenborgerlaan 171
B-2020 Antwerpen
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